abats Charcuterie – Meals Sake Tokyo

abats charcuterie

Thoughts blown by the spectacular line up of charcuterie at Kagurazaka abats charcuterie. Well worth the journey throughout city. Pate de Campagne, duck and almond saucisson, truffle liver mousse, and pork rillettes. I’ll recreate a French bistro at residence with Bricolage dinkel bread of spelt, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Bon appetit!


Shinjuku-ku, Yamabukicho 332 

abats is positioned between Kagurazaka and Edogawabashi stations.

#foodsaketokyo #foodsakekagurazaka #charcuterie #Kagurazakagourmet #tokyogourmet #patedecampagne #saucisson #pate #bread #abats #abatscharcuterie #神楽坂 #神楽坂グルメ #東京グルメ #シャルキュトリー #パテドカンパーニュ #パン #bricolage


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